Where are you right now in your life? In which area do you still need improvement or have growth potential? Where would you like to develop further? Where can you still expand and where could it be more in flow?
* Am I healthy and full of life?
* How fulfilled am I with my work?
* Am I happy in my relationship?
* Do I want to change my eating habits?
* How do I manage to integrate regular exercise into my everyday life?
Due to our fast-paced society, we sometimes forget to pause and wonder if we are happy. Everything becomes a habit and we only think inside our box.
What else would be possible if you thought outside this box? If you invited new ideas or wishes into your life?
I am almost sure that there is at least one area in your life that doesn’t run quite so smoothly yet. Right? Is the time now to leave your comfort zone? What would be possible if you went outside this box?
For me this question arose in spring. What is still possible?
For months I had been confronted with enormous sleep problems. I couldn’t concentrate, my creativity was lacking, my nerves were shattered and nothing worked; I was paralyzed. Maybe you know this feeling of despair and discouragement?
For over 20 years I have been dedicated to personal development and spirituality. I know and use a lot of tools. Nevertheless, I was stuck and could not get out of the dilema. I tried so many things, but, unfortunately, only ever felt short-term improvement – until I started working with a dear colleague and coach over a longer period on myself and this topic.
An outsider has a vision of the whole, sees your blind spots and can guide you. I can only recommend everyone to work with a coach.
But in the end, it is in your hands. Healing and change is possible if you are willing to constantly work on yourself and think outside this box.
Strengthened and full of energy, I would now like to introduce my new BOX to you today.
For years it has been my greatest wish to accompany and guide people in their personal growth; to inspire them and to find out what is in them, so that they learn to recognize and live their greatness.
This introspection finally made me realize that I don’t need anymore education and training to pass on my knowledge and empathy in workshops and coaching sessions.
My soul has known it for a long time, but the ego has always made me think „I am not yet good enough“.
The combination of mind, body and soul fascinates me immensely. I learn new things every day and it is my passion to pass on these experiences and insights.
Great teachers like Jim Rohn, Tony Robbins, Bahar Yilmaz, Isabelle von Fallois, Gabby Bernstein, Robert Betz and Veith Lindau are my role models – and my greatest teacher is LIFE.